Monday, June 3, 2024

Myers Gregory Arthur, The Tipografsky Ustav and the Blagoveshchensky Kondakar - Surviving witnesses to the earliest Slavic liturgical and musical practices


Among the oldest surviving musical sources of the Eastern Slavs, the Tipografsky Ustav and the Blagoveshchensky Kondakar, 11th and 12th centuries, respectively, testify to the richness and intensity of the cultural foment of those early centuries following Christianization. These manuscripts represent a high point in the liturgical and musical development of the period, and evince an apparent nascent Slavic musical autonomy. Appended to their kondakarian cycles are octomodally ordered collections of miscellaneous chant fragments whose corollaries can be found only in the oldest Byzantine sources. The following introduces and compares a selection of this repertory in a bid to glimpse the ritual and musical practices in place at this early critical juncture in the liturgical development of Slavia Orthodoxa.

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