Monday, June 3, 2024

Giannopoulos Emmanouil, Some Uninterpreted to the New Method and Unpublished Compositions in Post-Byzantine Psaltic Manuscripts. Katavasiai for the Sunday before Christmas, Composed by Priest Antonios the Nomophylax


The three teachers (Chrysanthos, Gregorios and Chourmouzios) established and taught the New Method of ecclesiastical music (1814-1820) and interpreted an enormous corpus of Byzantine and post-Byzantine compositions to it. However, while studying the psaltic manuscripts we also detect many musical works of well-known composers which hadn’t been transcribed to this analytical musical notation by them, nor by their posteriors. In the paper with the aforementioned title I will present some interesting compositions of this category and I will focus on a specific work of Antonios the priest which I transcribed in the nowadays musical notation.

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