Monday, June 10, 2024

Barillari Vito, Gli Sticheraria Crypt. Ε.α.II e Crypt. Ε.α.V. Sulla datazione e localizzazione dei codici (Parte II)


This contribution is the second and final part of a study on the sticheraria Crypt. Ε.α. II and Crypt. Ε.α. V, the first part of which was published last year in this journal (BBGG, III s. 8 [2011], 5-50) where an overview of the manuscripts was given together with a paleographical analysis. The concentration of this study is the medio-Byzantine musical notation that is contained in these codices. The author presents an overview of the most important studies thus carried out on the subject and then proceeds to a detailed analysis of the individual musical signs. The work is accompanied by tables to demonstrate the strong graphic correlation between the manuscripts Crypt. Ε.α. II, Crypt. Ε.α. V, and Laur. Ashb. 64, as well as with the palimpsest folios of Crypt. Ε.α. V (ff. 1r - 16v), Crypt. A.β. XI (1r-4v, 190r-192v), and Crypt. E.β. VII. These tables also demonstrate that the same scribe copied both the textual and musical parts of these sticheraria. Furthermore, the author proposes that these manuscripts were certainly produced at the scriptorium of Grottaferrata. The author suggests that the palimpsest folios were copied around the middle of the 13th century, while the sticheraria Crypt. E.α. II and Crypt. Ε.α. V are assigned to the end of the same century. These two codices are attributed to the hand of the hieromonk Simeon of Grottaferrata, the scribe who signed the manuscript Laur. Ashb. 64 in the year 1288/89. 

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