Monday, June 10, 2024

Barillari Vito, Analisi testuale e paleografico-musicale del Doxastikon di Pasqua Άγγελοι σκιρτήσατε

The focus of this essay is the Easter doxastikon Άγγελοι σκιρτήσατε. It is a sticheron of the Greek Orthodox Church of special importance, from the textual point of view and also from that palaeographic-musical. Just think that this chant, which is traditionally ascribed in some medieval manuscripts to the Palestinian hymnographer St. John of Damascus or to the Emperor of Constantinople Leo VI “the Wise”, was passed down through the most ancient Byzantine liturgico- musical books, and with all the main Byzantine notational systems. In this study, therefore, is analyzed this important sticheron, trying to trace the origin of the composition. It will be found that there are several versions, both textual that melodic. Particularly interesting are the draftings transmitted only by codes producted in the scriptorium of Grottaferrata and then published in the earliest Roman printed editions, or that handed down by the manuscripts preserved at Mount Athos and from Constantinopolitan origin. More reviews instead seem to bring us back to a tradition of sabaitic- Palestinian matrix. Accompanying this study some plates, figures and tables, and finally some musical transcriptions from the Middle Byzantine notation, particularly related to important codes that transmit simultaneously a twofold editing of the doxastikon, textual and melodic, attributable to a single scribe, with the musical styles syllabic and melismatic-kalophonic.

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